Docs CSC
User guides and tutorials
Docs CSC contains user guides, FAQs and tutorials related to CSC services.
- In order to navigate across the CSC user guide, click on the topics on the left hand side of the navigation bar
- Or use the search functionality
Getting started
User guides
What's new
- CP2K 2024.2 available on Puhti and Mahti, 27.8.2024
- ORCA 6.0.0, 22.8.2024
- PyTorch 2.4.0, 21.8.2024
- AMS 2024 available on Puhti and Mahti, 20.8.2024
- Geoconda 3.11.9, 7.8.2024
Cloud services
- Pukki DBaaS now supports PostGIS extensions 28.08.2024
- CSC Notebooks service renamed as Noppe, 21.8.2024
- Pukki DBaaS now available for all users, 28.3.2024
Computing environment
- Puhti and Mahti web interfaces updated to release 22 and 8, 28.8.2024
- Puhti and Mahti web interfaces updated to release 21 and 7, 13.6.2024
- Puhti and Mahti web interfaces updated to release 20 and 6, 27.5.2024
- Puhti and Mahti web interfaces updated to release 19 and 5, 10.4.2024
- Puhti web interface updated to release 18, 5.3.2024
Data management
- SD Desktop: CentOS 7 will no longer be supported after June 2024
- SD Desktop copy-paste functionality via Clipboard is now available, 7.3.2024
- SD Connect (Beta) now available, 13.12.2023
- SD Desktop and SD Connect: service usage restrictions and CSC project closure, 8.9.2023
- SD Desktop: Ubuntu OS now available, 8.9.2023
Training & tutorials
- New guide for getting started with supercomputing at CSC, 24.7.2024
- New guide for using Python effectively on CSC supercomputers, 27.6.2024
- Spring School on Computational Chemistry materials available for self learning, 10.5.2024
- How to run GROMACS efficiently on LUMI training materials published, 6.2.2024
- Access CSC newsletter and mailing list archives from Docs CSC, 13.12.2023