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Rahti Templates

Rahti supports templating service deployment code allowing its re-use. The templates documented here are available to be launched on the Rahti Service Catalog.

The Service Catalog also lists default templates bundled with OKD which are not documented here.

How to launch a template using the CLI

First, list the templates available:

oc get -n openshift templates

Then, describe the template, so we know the list of parameters:

oc describe -n openshift template httpd-example

Finally launch the template, for each required parameter a value must be set:

oc new-app --template=httpd-example \



Not all Rahti Beta templates have been ported to Rahti.

The process of adapting and testing the templates to Rahti is labor intensive and not in the top of our task list. If you have any special interest on the functionality provided by a Rahti Beta template that is missing in Rahti, please let us know (

Last update: November 3, 2023