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Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language that is widely used for scientific computing. For instructions on using Python effectively on CSC supercomputers, please see our Python usage guide.


  • Puhti: 3.x versions
  • Mahti: 3.x versions


Python packages are usually licensed under various free and open source (FOSS) licenses. Python itself is licensed under the PSF License, which is also open source.


Our Python usage guide contains instructions for installing packages, using different development environments and doing parallel processing with Python.

It is generally recommended to use one of pre-installed Python environments for computing, since these already contain the essential libraries for most uses. If for some reason one wishes to use Python without loading an environment module, a basic system Python is also available.

System Python

If using a pre-installed environment is not suitable, the basic system Python 3.9 can be launched with:



It is strongly advised to explicitly launch Python version 3.9 as above, since the default version launched by python3 (3.6.8) has reached end-of-life.

Pre-installed Python environments

Puhti and Mahti have several pre-installed environment modules containing Python environments made for different science areas. For more details about the Python versions and libraries that are available for a module, please see the corresponding application page by opening one of the links in the table below.

Module name Purpose Package list
biopythontools bioinformatics open
geoconda geoinformatics open
jax JAX ML framework open
python-data data analysis and ML utilities open
pytorch PyTorch ML framework open
qiskit quantum computing open
tensorflow TensorFlow ML framework open

To use any of the above environments, simply load the corresponding module using the module load command. For example:

module load python-data

Typically, after activating a Python-based module, the python3 command points to a version of Python that is newer than the default system Python and has a wider set of available packages. You can always check the Python version with the command python3 --version, and the full path of the command with which python3 (to see if you are using the system Python or one from the modules listed above).

Note that most of the pre-installed Python environment modules are self-contained and mutually exclusive environments, so it does not make sense to for example load both python-data and pytorch modules. The module loaded last will be the only active one, and the module load command will warn about this, for example:

Lmod is automatically replacing "python-data/3.10-24.04" with "pytorch/2.5".

Custom Python environments

While the pre-installed Python environments suffice for many applications, projects often involve tasks which require additional libraries. The following options are available in this case:


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