Krona visualization tool
Krona is a visualization tool that allows intuitive exploration of relative abundances and confidences within the complex hierarchies of metagenomic classifications. Krona combines a variant of radial, space-filling displays with parametric coloring and interactive polar-coordinate zooming.
Krona charts can be created using an Excel template or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. The interactive charts are self-contained and can be viewed with any modern web browser.
Krona is free to use and open source. It is provided under it's own license.
- Puhti: 2.8.1
To take in use KronaTools commands, load the biokit module.
module load biokit
For example file (sample1.tsv)
#queryID #taxID #score
query1 9606 0.9
query2 9534 0.8
, and -s
. Commented lines (#) are ignored.
For example an output file from Kraken2 can be visualized with command:
ktImportTaxonomy -q 2 -t 3 KrakenOutput -o KronaReport.html
Alternatively you can copy these files to a publicly accessible data bucket in Allas, and study the results with your local web browser. You can use commands a-flip or a-publish to do the copying:
For example command:
a-flip KronaReport.html
In addition to ktImportTaxonomy there are several application specific data import tools: For example for BLAST (ktImportBLAST) and MG-RAST (ktImportMGRAST). There are also general purpose tools for text (ktImportText) and XML data (ktImportXML). In Puhti you may also be interested to use ktImportDiskUsage to visualize how much different datasets use space in your directories.