Molden is a general molecular and electronic structure processing program. It can be used to analyze various results obtained from electronic structure calculations.
- Puhti: 6.7
- Mahti: 6.7
- The use of the software is restricted to non-commercial research. Detailed license description.
- In order to keep up support for Molden, please also register as a Molden user.
Initialize with:
module load molden/6.7
Note, that you need remote graphics to work with Molden. You can either enable X11 forwarding or use the Puhti web interface desktop (recommended).
The correct reference for Molden is:
- G. Schaftenaar, E. Vlieg and G. Vriend, "Molden 2.0: quantum chemistry meets proteins", J Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 31 (2017) 789-800.
- G. Schaftenaar and J. H. Noordik, "Molden: a pre- and post-processing program for molecular and electronic structures", J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 14 (2000) 123-134.