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The autoallocation feature available in HQ is still under development and buggy, don't use it as it's very likely that the job queue will be filled with idling workers which just waste resources.


For simple task farming workflows, where the intention is to run many similar (non-MPI parallel, independent) commands/programs, you can use the CSC utility tool sbatch-hq to avoid writing a batch script for HyperQueue from scratch. See below for details and an example.

HyperQueue (HQ) is an efficient sub-node task scheduler. Instead of submitting each one of your computational tasks using sbatch or srun you can just allocate a large resource block and then use HyperQueue to submit your tasks. This will be much less stressful for the batch queue system and is therefore the recommended way to run your high-throughput computing use cases.


Free to use and open source under MIT License


  • Puhti: 0.11.0, 0.13.0
  • Mahti: 0.11-dev, 0.13.0


module load hyperqueue

HyperQueue works on a worker-server-client basis. Here, the server manages connections, workers are started on compute nodes and execute commands which the client submitted to the server. This resembles a Slurm within a Slurm, but you have to start the server and workers yourself.

Starting the server


The following instructions apply for Slurm job scripts where only full nodes are allocated. A full example can be found at the bottom.

Specify where on the file system the HyperQueue server should be placed. All hq commands respect this variable so make sure it's set before you call any hq commands. The server location can also be placed using the command line flag --server-dir /server/location/on/lustre.

export HQ_SERVER_DIR=/server/location/on/lustre

If the server directory is not specified it will default to the user home directory. In this case one has to be careful not to mix up separate computations. For simple cases that fit inside one Slurm job, we recommend starting one server per job in some job-specific directory.

Start the server:

hq server start &
until hq job list &>/dev/null ; do sleep 1 ; done

Here, the server is placed in the background (&) so that we can continue.

Starting the workers

Start the workers (again in the background so our script can continue):

srun --exact --cpu-bind=none --mpi=none hq worker start --cpus=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} &

Here, we launch one worker per node with each worker getting the full node. If you need HQ to be aware of other resources, e.g memory, local disk or GPUS, see the Generic resource section in the official documentation.

Next, we can start submitting jobs or alternatively wait for all the workers to connect to the server before submission. This is generally good practice as we can notice issues with the workers early.

Wait until all workers are online (note no timeout):

hq worker wait "${SLURM_NTASKS}"

Submitting jobs


By default HQ creates one folder for each job where output is redirected. You can use the --log, --stdout and --stderr flags to change this behavior. Note that it's not possible to direct output from multiple jobs into the same file as each submission will clear the file.

See hq submit --help for the full list of options.

hq submit <hq submit args> --cpus <n> <COMMAND/executable> <args to program>

This is a non-blocking command similar to sbatch.

HyperQueue is not limited to running a single execution per submission. Using the --array 1-N flag we can start a program N times similar to how Slurm array jobs work.

hq submit --array 1-10 --cpus <n> <COMMAND>

<COMMAND> then has access to the environment variable HQ_TASK_ID which is used to enumerate all the tasks.

When we have submitted everything we want, we need to wait for the jobs to finish. This can be done e.g. with:

hq job wait all

Once we are done running all of our jobs, we shutdown the workers and server to avoid a false error from Slurm when the job ends:

hq worker stop all
hq server stop


For simple task farming workflows, where you only want to run many similar (non-MPI parallel, independent) commands/programs, you can use the CSC utility tool sbatch-hq. Just specify the list of commands to run in a file, one command per line. The tool sbatch-hq will create and launch a batch job that starts running commands from the file using HyperQueue. You can specify how many nodes you want to run the commands on and sbatch-hq will keep executing the commands until all are done, or the batch job time limit is reached.


Do not include srun in the commands you want to run. HyperQueue will take care of launching the tasks using the allocated resources as requested.

Let's assume we have a file named commandlist with a list of commands that we want to run using 8 threads each. As an example, let's reserve 1 compute node for the whole job. This means that we could run either 5 or 16 tasks simultaneously depending on whether we are using Puhti or Mahti.

module load sbatch-hq
sbatch-hq --cores=8 --nodes=1 --account=<project> --partition=test --time=00:15:00 commandlist

The number of commands in the file can (usually should) be much larger than the number of commands that can fit running simultaneously in the reserved nodes. See sbatch-hq --help for more details on usage and input options.

Full example

#SBATCH --partition=test       # Queue name
#SBATCH --account=<project>    # Billing project
#SBATCH --nodes=1              # Number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=<n>    # CPUs per task (40 on Puhti, 128 on Mahti)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1    # Tasks per node
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00        # Time limit

module load hyperqueue

# Specify a location for the HyperQueue server
export HQ_SERVER_DIR=${PWD}/hq-server-${SLURM_JOB_ID}
mkdir -p "${HQ_SERVER_DIR}"

# Start the server in the background (&) and wait until it has started
hq server start &
until hq job list &>/dev/null ; do sleep 1 ; done

# Start the workers (one per node, in the background) and wait until they have started
srun --exact --cpu-bind=none --mpi=none hq worker start --cpus=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} &
hq worker wait "${SLURM_NTASKS}"

# Simple example workflow. Compute the checksums of all files in the current
# directory. For small files you would do this very simply in a single
# interactive compute node, right ;)
#     sha256sum $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) > checksums.txt
# Parallelized with HyperQueue (not restricted to a single node):

for f in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) ; do
    hq submit --cpus 1 --stdout $f.sha256 sha256sum $f &

# Wait until all jobs have finished, shut down the HyperQueue workers and server
hq job wait all
hq worker stop all
hq server stop

With other workflow managers

If your workflow manager is using sbatch for each process execution and you have many short processes it's advisable to switch to HyperQueue to improve throughput and decrease load on the system batch scheduler.


Using Snakemake's --cluster flag we can use hq submit instead of sbatch:

snakemake --cluster "hq submit --cpus <threads> ..."

If you are porting a more complicated workflow from Slurm, you can do argument parsing and transformations programmatically using Snakemake's job properties


See a separate tutorial for instructions on how to use HyperQueue as an executor for Nextflow workflows.

More information


Although HyperQueue does not do MPI execution out of the box, it's possible using a combination of the HQ feature Multinode Tasks and orterun, hydra or prrte. This way one can schedule MPI tasks at a node-level granularity.