PDAL is an open source command line application for point cloud translations and processing.
PDAL is available in the following versions:
- 2.4.1 - geoconda-3.10.6 module with pdal Python library, in Puhti
- 2.3.0 - QGIS-3.31 module without pdal Python library, in Puhti and LUMI
Using pdal
For using PDAL, any of the modules listed about must be activated first, check the linked pages for details.
You can test if pdal loaded successfully with following
pdal --help
Examples for using PDAL in Puhti.
License and acknowledgement
PDAL is licensed with the BSD open source license. The full licence can be found here
Please acknowledge CSC and Geoportti in your publications, it is important for project continuation and funding reports. As an example, you can write "The authors wish to thank CSC - IT Center for Science, Finland (urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072531) and the Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (Geoportti, urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072513) for computational resources and support".