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Running CWL workflows on Puhti with toil-cwl-runner

CWL Logo

The Common Workflow Language is a popular set of open standards implemented by several workflow runners and platforms. The CWL standards are targeted at creating portable workflows made of command line programs. The steps can be written in any compiled or interpreted language. Sub-workflows, optional steps, scatter-gather, and implicit parallelism are just some of the features.

The Toil workflow system supports running CWL on a variety of schedulers and systems.

This page describes how run CWL worklflows on Puhti using toil-cwl-runner, including the usage of apptainer to execute any provided Docker-format containers.

Strengths of the Common Workflow Language standards

Strengths of toil-cwl-runner

  • Supports sending jobs to Slurm, translating CWL resource requirements to Slurm resources specifications.
  • Even when using Slurm, (sub-)tasks do not have to have identical resource requirements.
  • Can also run on other batch systems: Grid Engine, Torque, LSF, HTCondor.
  • Launches and monitors Slurm jobs for you. Also constructs the apptainer commands (or some other software container engine as appropriate: docker, podman, singularity, udocker).
  • No database needs to be setup.

Disadvantages for using toil-cwl-runner

  • Just a workflow runner. Won't manage your data, or keep track of previous workflow runs.

Installing toil-cwl-runner using Tykky

Create a containerized installation of toil with CWL plugin, along with nodejs to provide helpful tools for debugging toil internals.

The Conda environment to be containerized is defined in the file environment.yml.

  - conda-forge
  - python=3.10
  - pip
  - pip:
    - toil[cwl]
  - nodejs

Use the Tykky command conda-containerize to create an installation into the project application directory.

module purge
module load tykky

install_dir=/projappl/<project_xxxxxxx>/<install dir name>
mkdir $install_dir

conda-containerize new --prefix $install_dir environment.yml

Add the bin directory to the PATH to call the executables as with a virtual environment.

export PATH="$install_dir/bin:$PATH"

toil-cwl-runner --version

Defining CWL workflows

Learning resources

Running CWL workflows with toil-cwl-runner


Singularity containers can't be run in the login node or in an interactive session due to network constraints.

When you have defined a workflow with CWL, you can send it to the cluster using sbatch, and then toil will start new jobs for each item in the workflow description.

Preliminary Steps

Create a working directory for toil inside the scratch directory.

mkdir /scratch/<project_xxxxxxx>/<work dir name>

Creating the sbatch file

The sbatch file will reference the CWL file workflow.cwl where you have described your workflow steps.


See batch documentation on how to fill out the #SBATCH values.

#SBATCH --job-name=<job name here>
#SBATCH --account=<project_number here>
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --partition=small

work_dir=/scratch/<project_xxxxxxx>/<work dir name>

export TOIL_SLURM_ARGS="--account=project_nnnnnnn --partition=small"
export CWL_SINGULARITY_CACHE=$work_dir/singularity

toil-cwl-runner \
    --jobStore $work_dir/<job store name> \
    --workDir $work_dir \
    --tmpdir-prefix $work_dir/<tmp name> \
    --batchSystem slurm \
    ~/workflow.cwl \
    --message "message for job"

Send your workflow to the cluster.


Monitoring a running workflow

Check the output logs from the main Toil job or run toil status /scratch/<project_xxxxxxx>/<work dir name>/<job store name>.