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CSC Notebooks

CSC Notebooks offers web applications for self-learning, hosting courses and collaboration. The applications are accessed through a web browser and run in CSC cloud. You can log in with your Haka/Virtu/CSC customer account. We support Jupyter and RStudio based applications, with more options to come in the future.

Who and how can CSC notebooks be used?

  1. As student: participating to a self-learning or a tutored course.
  2. As teacher: hosting a course
  3. As researcher: participating to a course or collaboration project or setting up CSC Notebooks as collaboration platform


To better understand the CSC Notebooks environment, we have collected all terms and concepts in a separate concepts document.

Data persistence

CSC Notebooks provides different ways of sharing (e.g. course contents) and storing (e.g. students own progress) data. For an explanation of the different possibilities, see the separate document on data persistence.

Summary of changes and improvements since previous major version

See the "What's new" section for cloud services.


Last update: March 22, 2023