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Resize database instance volume

Closed Beta

Pukki DBaaS is in closed beta. This means that the service is probably not suitable for most users and there might be breaking changes. If you are still interested in using the service you can contact us to see if the service would be suitable for you.

When you first create a database instance, you specify the size of the volume the instance has in use. If you later on notice that the size is not enough, you can resize the volume either from the web interface or from the CLI. Note that you can only increase the size of the volume, not decrease.


Resizing the volume should not affect your data, but you can make a backup of your instance manually before resizing to prevent any data loss.

See the steps to make manual backups in Backups.

Resize volume from the Web interface

  1. In the column on the left hand side you can go to Database -> Instances and locate the instance you want to resize the volume of.

  2. On the right hand side of the select row, next to Create Backup -button, press the arrow icon to open up a drop-down list, and select Resize Volume.

    Select 'Resize volume'

  3. From there you can specify the new size for the database instance in GB.
    Note that the new value must be greater than the existing volume size.

  4. Confirm the change with Resize Database Volume.

    Select 'Resize volume'

  5. The change should take 1-2 minutes. If the web interface does not automatically update the status from Resizing to Active, try to reload the page.

    If the status is Resizing for over 5 minutes, check I'm having problems with resizing the volume below.

Resize volume from the CLI

  1. Locate the instance ID for the instance you want to resize the volume of:

    openstack database instance list
  2. Resize the volume of the instance:

    openstack database instance resize volume $INSTANCE_ID $NEW_VOLUME_SIZE

    for example:
    openstack database instance resize volume f37a8ea6-5ed7-4982-8a71-9131756f04ae 5

  3. After 1-2 minutes, the status of the instance should be ACTIVE:

        openstack database instance show $INSTANCE_ID

    If the status is Resizing for over 5 minutes, check I'm having problems with resizing the volume below.

I'm having problems with resizing the volume

Status stuck on RESIZING

Make sure you have tried to reload the web interface page or ran openstack database instance show $INSTANCE_ID command after 5 minutes of resizing the volume. If the status of instance is RESIZING after 5 minutes, please contact us.

Last update: November 3, 2023